The 2020 Style Guide

Remember when we were in high school and college and the few glorious years after when we had jobs and money and very little responsibility?  Remember how we used to PLAN our outfits in advance of the day (or night) ahead?  I sure do.  The joy I took in pairing together the right earrings, pants, shoes, top, and bag.  Achieving the perfect look always gave me such confidence.  It made me feel, in a word, “seen”.

If you are anything like me, the days of outfit strategery are long gone.  Around the age of 40, I traded in outfit selection for never ending carpools and conference calls.  I now have a “uniform”.  I swore I would NEVER have a uniform.  Sigh.  For me, it is jeans and a plain button down or T-Shirt with a pair of sneakers.  Elaborate makeup is the stuff of legends.  I opt instead for bright lipstick and a touch of mascara enhanced by the sparkle of diamond stud earrings.  Hair?  Hello, scrunchie.  You are truly my new best friend.

I do have a trick to spicing up my uniform, though.  This trick keeps me feeling young and sassy and suggests a glow of energy (even when the energy isn’t really there).  Essentially, it is all in the bag.  I’ve always loved handbags.  Seriously.  However, the older I’ve gotten I’ve come to realize that handbags are truly the most inclusive and accommodating items in my wardrobe.  You can dress an outfit up or down by changing your bag.  You can express yourself as being modest, preppy, extra, boho or punk by changing your bag.  What other item in your wardrobe gives you such freedom?

Personally, I am a little bit modest, preppy, extra, boho, and punk.  This explains why versatility is so important to Hampton Road’s design ethic.  We make bags that get you “seen”, even when you are wearing your own personal version of a uniform.  Our bags make people notice you.  They tell the world a little bit about who you are that day. The following style quiz will show you how a bag from Hampton Road Designs will get noticed in the way you want to be seen. 

Are you feeling ……

  • Modest? Cool. I’d suggest a leather short strap with an Annie bag.  Black, Sangria, and Oyster are all great color choices, and you can mix and match your straps without sucking all the air out of the room.
  • Preppy?   Add a striped strap to your leather Annie – it will look terrific with a caftan or a nice cotton dress.
  • Extra?   A Party Clutch from the Gucci Lollipops scarf worn with faded jeans and a plain white T-Shirt says “I’m Every Woman” (queue Chaka Khan).
  • Boho? Girl, I’m feeling your vibe.  I’d suggest a cognac Zuma with a Taos Mountain strap.  You are bound to turn some heads at your local Whole Foods Market.
  • Punk? Rock on. Just latch a Red Sari Guitar Strap onto your Flat Iron bag.  You will rise to the top of the mosh pit based on style points alone.

Here is the point.  Just because you are too busy to do much of anything for yourself these days doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be noticed and admired.  Our bags are built to get you noticed. They are versatile, expressive, and impeccably put together.  Just like you.

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